Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Screw You America!

Right now, all I want to say is one thing: "Eff you America!"

WTF is wrong with this stupid freakin' country. Why must you make it so difficult to even obtain information about extending a visa??! Firstly, you REFUSE to put up FREE information about how to get a visa, instead you make people pay $50 for a PDF document which probably doesn't even have the information I need. Then you freakin' charge me $1.15/min just to listen to prerecorded information. If I want to wait in line and speak to a live consultant, it's $3/min. If I don't want to wait in line, you're going to charge me $12. Really? Are you really in that much debt??

Then there's the fact that you don't let people extend their visa while still in the country. What's the deal? I'm going to pay you to extend my visa but you won't even let me do that unless I'm outside the country? It's not like the extra money I spent on the flights and accomodation is being injected into your economy.

Not only that, your f***ing website don't even f***ing work! WTF! Why the hell would you have a website url up in google that does not work, you're the f***ing embassy! Get it together already!

As you can probably tell, I am currently very annoyed and angry. This is taking up my study time too! Gaaaaaaaaah!