Monday, June 27, 2011

Flip of a Coin?

Due to forseen circumstances I have now come to a point where a new set of decisions will need to be made. Simply the 2 options are:

1. Study part-time for 1.5 years and work part-time at the same time.
Pros: $$$. I will have a much higher chance of actually passing and doing well on my courses. More time off to develop other skills which I am obviously missing because I still have no grad job!
Cons: Extending my degree by another year.

2. Suck it up for one more semester and graduate in December. Provided I haven't failed anything this semester.
Pros: Degree is not dragged for longer.
Cons: No sleep. High probability of failing. No job. No money.

As of this moment, I am going with option 1. Of course, that would depend on whether I failed anything this semester and also if I can find a job fairly quickly. I have another month to decide so definitely sleeping on this.

Inputs? Opinions?

If life hands you lemons, make lemonade. If people throw at you sticks and stones, play a new version of scissors, paper, rock. If something gets in your way, go around it.


  1. u can always work for free for the first couple of months and get a contract after. or graduate and do postgrad. APA + tutoring money isn't bad. Just throwing in a couple more options.

  2. Well I know your education is cheaper in AU, but take into account whether you'd make enough money to cover tuition & textbooks. G/l!

  3. I love you, Rui! I hope you're not faced with this decision because you stayed so long in America, but even if it is I'm still sort of glad you did because you're so freaking awesome! I'm sure you'll talk a lot about this with Jo, who probably has good insight as to college path choices. Do what feels right. If you have the ability to take longer and make it easier on yourself, than I'd say go for it.
