Sunday, March 27, 2011


The title to this post is so ironically inaccurate. To be more accurate, it's more like after procrastinating most of my weekend away, I'm now up doing work at this time of the night. Though I still would like to argue that this is my ideal thinking time, I can't do mornings. Or afternoons for that matter. I'm a night person.

I was talking to a friend who is similarly struggling to get through her studies - she has to write her research thesis and it's been stalled at the introduction stage since... forever. Except I have a feeling this whole thesis thing is due not too long from now. I'm currently up doing environmental risk assessments, a projec that is due next week. I just finished my part (for now) for another project in asset management that is due tomorrow. Earlier tonight, I was done finalising yet another project for energy systems for sustainable development which is due on Thursday. Tomorrow, I'll probably be busy working on the presentation for that course too. I think I had plans to fit my mid-semester study into today (well, technically yesterday) too. A littel too much procrastination.

This got us both sighing. We both came to the conclusion that we both lacked interest in what we're doing and that is not helping with our motivations. My friend came to the conclusion that even if she was in another major, it'd still be the same. I still have the slight naive hope that if I was in another major, I would enjoy it more. I say it's naive only because my friend then went on to say that most people aren't passionate about what they do day in day out anyway, they just do it for a living, for a better life, and I must say, empirical observations prove this to be correct. But I still hold onto this hope because I just happen to stumble upon the rare few that do love what they do day in day out, which makes me want to believe that I just gotta look hard enough.

So here I am, trudging through the daily grind of engineering work, hoping to find the something that I'm looking for. Well, like my friend said, who knows, maybe I'll completely fall in love with my job once I start working as an engineer and she'll completely fall in love with hers. Or maybe it's the whole studying thing. Afterall, who has studying in their top 10 favourite past times?

1 comment:

  1. Hahaha! I must say.. this research thesis, though long and tedious as it is, is still much better than any exam I've had to deal with during my previous 2.5 years. And this research gig is really much more enjoyable than what I have been doing in those 2.5 years - ie. memorising, memorising, memorising. So, perhaps, it IS the whole studying thing. Or maybe, it's the whole EXAMS thing..
