Friday, May 7, 2010

The Great Dividing Range

Okay so it's 5am and I still can't sleep. Took some medicine but it's not working... I have always wanted to quote that line and now I can ;) but you don't want to know what the rest of the line is (not that they're relevant anyway). Wait, before you freak out, don't worry, I fell asleep today! I just randomly woke up at 5 and thought this was a good time to post.

Now to quote another MC song.
I've often wondered if there's ever been a perfect family. I've often longed for undividedness and sought stability.

The great dividing range. When you have two opposing sides forcing very different ideologies upon you, one on each side, I imagine that would be very healthy for a 20 year old, let alone 10. Unfortunately I am a little too educated to cave in to just one side so calibration is always required. When you need to do that on top of everything else in life, it gets a little tiring at times. Which is probably why I've never had the problem of sleeping before but perhaps now that I am away from all of that (for the most part), I have a little more energy to think.

As an engineer, there is a natural tendency to want to solve things. However, everywhere there is inconsistent data so I guess the step before that would be to redo measurements. Process in progress. Only time can verify but the question is, will it withstand the time needed for me to form my own judgement and come up with a solution?

Sun is up, maybe it's time to go back to sleep.


  1. Firstly, Display a comment link on your blogs so that people can quick access to a comment page if 1 should comment.

    to do this:
    login to blogspot dut calm (i'm trying to put an American accent here hahaha)
    Then go to Settings->Comments
    and then check the radio button "show".

    2ndly, Engineers are nocturnal Species. Who gives a fudge about staying up all night hahaha.


  2. Wait a minute i just found out something.
    What's this "# Pennys for my thoughts"?

    What? I could not read that. SheesH!

  3. What drugs did you take? I've been told "valerian" (a natural remedy) can help sleep, but it makes some people more alert. Sedating antihistamines work well though :)

  4. lol there u go. some advices from a drug-expert =P
