Thursday, October 28, 2010

The Bullshit Artist

You know what I've decided today? Life is all about bullshitting.

I've come to notice that a lot of successful people really don't know much about anything in particular. Except bullshitting. They are so good at bullshitting that they are able to convince people that they actually know what they are talking about.

Bullshitting is an art. You must not only convince others, but you must bullshit yourself to the degree where you, yourself, are convinced that what you are saying is true.Thus the first step is to learn how to bullshit yourself. This is all in the mind.

Once you have bullshitted yourself, the next step is to bullshit others. Because if you can bullshit others, you will be able to achieve many things. This is only achievable if you have fully mastered how to bullshit yourself.

Okay self, time to start learning how to bullshit your mind. I think some people call that mind-fucking. But I don't like excess use of the f word so I will stick with bullshit.

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