Sunday, September 26, 2010

Because It's Sunny

So I smiled :)

First was receiving my Mariah DVD. That had me grin from ear to ear. I've seen it all before on Youtube but it's not the same as owning the DVD. Watching it makes me want to travel back in time to 1993 and just stay there and listen to that forever, but that means I won't be able to hear Daydream which would be a huge shame.

Another addition to my MC collection.
Hung out with Tiffanie and we basically ate and watched TV for a good part of the day. Watched Grey's Anatomy, Gossip Girl, and The Event. I feel like Gossip Girl is just starting to look like a soap opera and everyone is just getting with everyone else. The Event reminded me of the first episode of Lost a little bit. It was interesting enough that I am waiting to see the second episode.

Writing postcards. Self explanatory. If you don't like writing postcards, then there is something wrong with you. Period.

Watching people dance. There was a dance audition on in RIMAC tonight. Originally I wanted to play table tennis but the table was taken and my friends couldn't be bothered walking to my lab so we just hung around watching other people. I think the main reason I enjoy watching other people dance is because I feel that it compensates for my own lack of dance skills. So it just makes it even more awe-inspiring. Trust me when I say I have no sense of rhythm and beat. You have no idea how long it took my group members to teach me how to rap in tune for our grade 12th English presentation. And I still can't.

Talking with new friends underneath the stars (just to reference MC). I love meeting new people, if we click. I hate small talk. I love learning about new things from other people. Makes life that much more interesting. So tonight was a great night because I learnt a lot of new things from a new friend. He is very interesting, if anything it's because of his circumstances and how he handles it. I think I still have a lot more to learn and ask from him.

Blogging. As much as I procrastinate on blogging, I still love blogging. It's kind of soothing for me. Or it's just a good place where I can blaaaah all my random thoughts out. I sometimes don't make an effort to make the topic clear just because I like the mystery and nonsensicalness (made up word) of it all. Now I'm just blabbing.

Good night all. Sleep is good for you. So too is zen.

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