Wednesday, September 15, 2010


So today on the bus back to my apartment, a friend I met at the end of last quarter through another friend happened to be catching the same bus. He was with another friend and he introduced us. I talked to her the whole way back, a good 15 minutes. When we got off, she said: "It's Rui, right?". I opened my mouth to repeat her name too but it never came out! In the end all I could do was confirm her pronunciation. I had completely forgotten her name.

As soon as I got home, I went on Facebook straight away to find the friend I met last quarter (whose name I almost forgot too ><) and then I searched through all his friends to find the one I met on the bus. (By the way, it's totally not called stalking.) The sad part is after I scrolled through all 300-something of his friends, twice, none of the names ring a bell.

Now I'm just annoyed at my lack of a short term memory. I don't mean slightly annoyed and forget about it. I mean I'm extremely annoyed and it's getting on my nerve type of annoyed. Damnit, this always happens to me.


  1. just go through the alphabet.

  2. It's ok. I forget people's names too. And then at work, I don't recognise some of the people coming back for their prescriptions and have to ask again........

    Well.. they say sleep is good for memory consolidation, so if you ever need an excuse to sleep more, there's one for you

  3. Thank you Sharon, I shall use that as my excuse for more sleep. I already did Dann!
